Sunday, August 9, 2015

Basic Computer | Assignment 4 | typography |Try Burning Gundam

Typography :Try Burning Gundam

 first ,pick a picture that you really really like it , so you won't get bored when you doing it...( is gonna take some time ..) 

 I using two kind of method to do this typography. First one is ,use the text tool and randomly select a place to type out the word you like .

 After you done typing, go to selection tool and highlight the word you type. And than press ctrl+C to copy and press ctrl + V to duplicate the word .

After you duplicate the word , you can use those word to filled up the part you like with those word.(you can even stretch and rotate the word as well )

 after filling it up the first knucle

it should be like this. 

moving on to another knnuckle .

after filling up some part.

 now is the color part. just simply highlight some word and use eyedropper ( I ) to eye drop the background color.
 it should be like this.

the second method is about clipping mask. First, use pen tool ( P ) to do a shape that you pick to fill up. After that , use the text tool (T ) to drag a big space , as big as the pen tool shape and type the word you like .  

After that , use selection tool to select the pen tool shape and right click it , and  select arrange and select bring to front. And than highlight the words you type and use eyedropper ( I ) to eye drop the color in the pen tool shape .After done all those thing , drag the word to the pen tool shape and highlight the whole thing and right click it and use clipping mask .

it should be like this 

 detailing at the last part .
 After finish it.
with background .
without background.

Lecturer tell me that the fist should change the color
so I change it...

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