Friday, April 29, 2016

Final Assignment

Character Design

First, find a bunch of reference for your character. 

now do the first sketches.

I do 2 more sketches to make it more better.

this is the third sketches.

After the third sketches, I started to pick the color by opening a new layer.

first I color the head.

then the body.

now for the left arm and leg.

Then, for the right arm and leg.

finish it off with some details.

and done~~~

Character (front view)

Now for the front face part.i taking the previous head because is not much changes.

now sketch for the body.

after sketching, now gonna trace it.

after we trace it, we start color it as the same color as the original one.

now make the object larger.

 And is done~

Character (Back view)

Now move to the Back view of this monster.

i trace it the whole body and simply change a bit on the head and tail part.

choose the exact same color as the original one.

I copy another original monster bunny and put it at the back, so the 
coloring will be more easy.

and paint the back of the head with different color in other layer.

And is done~

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